暂时性调涨中国运费价格 / Temporarily Increase China shipping fees

暂时性调涨中国运费价格 / Temporarily Increase China shipping fees

暂时性调涨中国运费价格 / Temporarily Increase China shipping fees

由于中国的货柜严重短缺,导致货柜供不应求。目前海运费已调整将近3倍的价格,而且海运费会持续增涨,本公司也承担了很多费用,因此在无可奈何之下通知您从2020年11月19日起, 所有中国仓库的运费都会上涨 . 一旦货柜短缺问题解决,海运费恢复正常将会调回原本的价格。

除此之外, 因为出现抢舱位, 船公司无法准确的编排订舱和实际装载量导致柜子频密的拖延,不能按时安排船运时间,造成柜子会有船期延误的情况。本公司也接获船公司的通知,此爆仓情况将会延续至2021农历新年. 建议顾客可以提前做好安排以免货物延迟运送给顾客.

希望您能理解并且持续支持我们给予的服务. 本公司将会与您一起携手渡过此疫情的难关。

Due to the serious shortage of containers in China, thus containers are in short supply. At present, the ocean freight has been adjusted to nearly three times the price and the price still growing. We had also incurred a lot of expenses. Therefore, we have no choice but to inform you that start from 19th November 2020, the shipping fees of all warehouses in China will be temporarily adjusted the sea shipment fees . Once the container shortage issue is resolved, the shipping price will be adjusted back to the original price.

In addition, due to the occurrence of loading space, the shipping company was unable to accurately arrange the booking and the actual loading volume, which led to the frequent delays of the container, which caused the container arrival to be delayed. We also received notification from the shipping company that the liquidation situation will continue until the 2021 Lunar New Year. We suggest customers to make arrangements in advance to avoid delays in delivery of goods to customers.

We hope you can understand and continue to support our service. We will work with you together the difficulties of this epidemic.
